A to Z of Dogs

Filed Under (Dog stories) by editor on November-1-2009

Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, has issued guidance on how to calm pets during bonfire night celebrations.

Although not all dogs are affected, the Trust notes that noise phobia is a serious problem, particularly at the charity’s 18 Rehoming Centres where staff work through the night to ensure all the dogs are as comfortable as possible.

Dogs Trust recommends that dog owners observe the following:

  • Make a compilation for your iPod, CD player or tape recorder and play it at a reasonable level to drown out the sound of the fireworks. Alternatively, put your radio on.
  • Do not leave your dog alone in the house during the fireworks period – he may panic and injure himself.
  • Try to settle your dog before the fireworks start – if your dog is in familiar surroundings it will help him cope with the noise.
  • Walk your dog before dark – make sure your dog is well exercised and has relieved himself before the fireworks begin.
  • Keep your dog busy – play games or enjoy some reward-based training to keep his mind off the noises.
  • Be careful not to reward your dog for reacting to noise – if he is upset giving him attention may inadvertently reward him for being afraid. It may be better to act as if there is nothing to worry about.
  • Provide a safe hiding place – at noisy times around Bonfire Night, make sure your dog has somewhere safe to hide in his favourite room, perhaps under the table. Close the curtains and turn up the volume on your TV or radio to drown out the firework noises.
  • Seek advice from your vet – They will be happy to help. You can also ask about DAP – Dog Appeasing Pheromone, a scent that can comfort your dog and help him cope with his fears. Be sure to give the medication prescribed before the noise begins.
  • Never force a dog outside when fireworks are being let off, and even if your dog enjoys Bonfire Night, never let him off his lead outdoors when fireworks are being let off.

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