A to Z of Dogs

Filed Under (Dog stories) by editor on April-5-2011

More UK households now keep dogs than cats, according to research carried out by Mintel for the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA). However, the number of cats in the UK still exceeds the number of dogs (8.6 million, compared to 8.3 million) because households more commonly own more than one cat.

The increase in households with dogs is due in part to the popularity of small and medium sized dogs, such as terriers and spaniels.

A spokesperson for Mintel said:

“The momentum is definitely behind dogs. Smaller dogs are typically more suited to smaller living spaces, require less exercise, cost less to feed, insure and medicate, have longer lifespans and are arguably better suited to indoor lifestyles and travelling. Therefore for many pet owners it is how pets can fit into their lifestyle as opposed to the other way around.”

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